Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Pinwheel Girl Has Some Questions For You

In Stage 1, the stage of going inside, the Pinwheel Girl says that “it’s about protection.” How have you protected yourself so far in your life? What new ways can you use to protect yourself?

The Pinwheel Girl says “you know what to do” in Stage 2 of her transformation as she begins to unfold. What do you think she means by this? What do you know what to do that you are not doing right now? Where does the knowledge of “knowing what to do” come from? How can you tap into it and hear it so that you “know what to do.”

When she begins to expand, the Pinwheel Girl states that “surrender is worth it” in Stage 4. What do you need to surrender to? Make a list.

“There are teachers everywhere.” What do you think the Pinwheel Girl is trying to say with this Message from the Wind? Teachers are not just in classrooms, churches, counseling sessions, or lecture halls. Where else can you find teachers who can bring you gifts of self-knowledge, growth, new ideas, awakened dreams, and confidence? Who and what have been or could be positive teachers for you?

In Stage 6, the Pinwheel Girl realizes that working on yourself is a lot of hard work that is often painful. She says: “Dare to see what you see, dare to hear what you hear, dare to stand it, it is only the Truth trying to set you free…” What have you been avoiding accepting about yourself that has held you captive? What if you face it and stand it? You can be free to be and do what?

The Pinwheel Girl is You. She is Every Woman. She is your Inner Voice. In Stage 6 she says “A part of you will always be invisible to the world…but I see you…all of you…I know you…I will always be with you…always…” Who exactly is the Pinwheel Girl inside you?

Many women abandon themselves, take care of others before they take care of themselves, and neglect or forget their Inner Voice which is meant to guide them through Life. The Pinwheel Girl says “I have been waiting for you to find me. Don’t forget me.” What promise will you make to yourself about how you will take care of yourself, heed your truest Inner Voice, and reject thoughts of self-abandonment?

"...the answers are here and there, this way and that...the answers come when you listen to the sound of your own Voice...bringing you the keys to your Life, Love, and Freedom..."


  1. Kendra, you are amazing and inspiring! Love, Judy

  2. Thanks, Judy! I hope you like the "Messages from the Wind" here on this blog.
