Sunday, June 21, 2009

After the storm, gifts....

It was a wild Friday night here in Chicago! Severe thunderstorms, lightning shows across the sky, torrential downpours, trees and powerlines down, flooding and roads closed. As if that wasn't bad enough, next came tornado warnings, sirens blowing, fire engines and squad cars...and many a stalled cars amidst trees whipping in the wind.

And all the while my friend, Dawn, (don't you love her name?) and I were driving in all this on the way to our first quincenara for our friend's twin daughters. We did arrive safely to our destination. We were late, of course, having to contend with all this -- and soaking wet in our dresses and heels. The wind was blowing the rain sideways by now and the parking lot was holding several inches of water. But, still, onward we went knowing that dinner, drinks, and dancing would soon take our minds off the treacherous conditions outside.

The evening was wonderful and I got home rather late. By now the storm had subsided and my headlights could illuminate some of its remnants lying on the ground. Back at home though, the neighborhood was pitch black dark, of course, and therefore I was unknowing of what had happened in my own backyard during the storm. Despite the lateness of the hour, I logged on anyway to check my various networking sites just to see if someone might want to chat. Though it was late I didn't feel like turning in just yet. But internet was down and my landline phone was out, too. So it was off to dreamland...despite my inner protestations.

When I awoke on Saturday morning I could not believe what I was seeing literally in my back yard. What is normally a large field of grass was now a HUGE lake...yes, this spot of land is a water retention area but I've never, ever seen it so full of was, literally, a LAKE. Beautiful mature trees were standing in the middle of's edges reached almost to the fence of my yard.

It was beautiful....but there was more beauty to come...I didn't know that yet...since I had to discover it....

As I went about my morning rituals, I saw that a solitary egret had arrived. Followed by several mallards and even more geese. These glorious waterbirds were taking flight, then gliding over the water, and then performing their soft and graceful after the other, like an airport on water. They were loving it! It was a new playground for them, a new place for them to explore. The egret waded in the shallows quietly observing the fancifulness of the other birds. It really was a beautiful performance.

I quietly hustled myself out there to take some photos of the egret - so majestic white it stood in the shallows of this new water source. I was only able to capture one photo of it in repose before it took off in flight and graced me with a wingspan of fluttering and flapping sheer white that left me breathless.

I went back inside and readied my home for a gathering of ladies who would arrive later in the day. But the water kept calling me back...the sun glistening on this new scenic vista outside my window create a jewel-like effect. You have to understand...I live in the middle of the Chicago suburbs...this is unusual for us surrounded by so much of the subdivision concrete!

This Sunday morning, the new lake is now smaller in size, but it is still magnificent. Barefoot, I went outside to explore and took my camera. I could not believe what I was finding...
There were feathers EVERYWHERE. Feathers are one of my very favorite things in this world. They are the Universal symbol for Truth. And they were everywhere. Black ones, white ones, gray ones, of all shapes and sizes....right away I knew this would be a very special little adventure. I would be finding some "truths" here.

Next I discovered that a flock of seven robins were gathered together eating from the soggy grass. They seemed to be delirious with joy in their new food source. And, there were seven mallards on the lake...swimming in parade-like fashion, one after the other, round and round....their honking had woken me up earlier at 7 a.m. through my open windows...Their gentle gliding to and fro, so unhurried, was surely a message to slow down, take your time, and enjoy the ride.

Seven mallards....Hmmmm. This had to be signifcant. Seven, of course, is the number of stages of transition I've identified in my book, The Pinwheel Girl Takes Flight. And we all know that seven is a magical number for many, many reasons. But seven robins and seven mallards....what, then, could this gift mean?

As I walked the circumference of this new "lake" I found that I was really taken with the trees standing in the middle of all this water, their trunks immersed. There were several sets of trees like this and I started to photograph them. But it was a pair of trees that, when I saw what they were "saying" to me, I felt lightheaded, like a bolt of lightning from the storm had just hit me, like my heart skipped a beat...

These two clusters of trees standing upright in the middle of the water...they were saying "this lake is for you...and all the gifts that have come with it...they are all for you...there are messages here for you to see, learn from, absorb, and have faith in..." See? There were "truths" to be revealed.
The trunks of the trees, along with the reflections that they created on the water's surface, perfectly and without a doubt, created MY INITIALS -- a double "K" -- it was as plain as day....I could see it like I could see my hand. I could feel the Universe saying "With this storm, let's deliver a gift to KK." Suddenly, the lake became "mine" though I know others will most surely enjoy it. Suddenly, the egret and those seven ducks and those seven robins became mystical companions to me.

And suddenly I knew that once again the Universe always delivers to you EXACTLY what you need when you need it. It is all about trust. Trust that you will be taken care of, that your needs will be met, that you are loved no matter what, that prayers are heard AND answered, that every day is a gift full of gifts, and that life on this planet is precious and we are privileged every day that we are here to partake in what life brings us.

It was a moment when I felt for sure that I was sitting in the palm of God's see the Double was a moment of deep grace and inspiration for me. I've been attached to my initials my whole life...and never changed my name as I aged and wed. There they were...on this new found body of water.
So what did the lake and it's messages mean? Why were they sent to me? I looked up the Animal Medicine for each of the animals I encountered this morning. What I would find would once again fill my heart with gladness, recovery, and deep peace.

The robin -- harbinger of spring, new life, new growth. Seven of them. The song of the robin is very mystical -- it recognizable almost as soon as the warmth of the spring sun appears. The song is used to mark territory even though it is considered a song of cheer. When robins appear en masse in one's life, it reflects a need to "sing your own song" and pave your own way to new growth.

The duck -- symbols of emotional comfort and protection. Seven of them. Ducks help us remember to navigate with ease the waters of our life. Ducks come to tell us it is time to shed the feelings of discomfort with people in your life and to find others who are more like-minded in spirit. Ducks also remind us to return home to those places inside ourselves where we feel most safe and protected.

So the robin and the duck brought me messages today of balance....striking out, singing my own own song, but returning to realms of comfort. Wow, that was really a gracious message.
The egret -- the egret's medicine is about learning to be self-reliant and assertive about entering deeper waters without fear. They teach about learning to stand on your own two feet. They send reminders about independence.

I have to say that I needed to hear all three of these messages on this particular morning of my life. I love how the Universe flows and brings to our spirit what it needs for restoration and inspiration. For me, there is spirituality and God's presence in all of nature. Animals and all of the elements have so much to teach us when we encounter them with awareness and symbolic sight.

I share this story with you not because I want to single myself out as "special" but because I want to encourage all of you, if you are not in the habit of doing so yet, to see with symbolic sight, to speak more often in metaphor, to look every single day of your life for the gifts it brings you, to find the peace the Universe so often delivers if we only could receive it. Many times we feel that the days all blur and run together. "Same old, same old" we say. But every day there is a message waiting for you to uncover. Sometimes the most ordinary days are the best kind.
Peace to all of you who are reading this today. May you find today's gifts flourishing deeply in your heart like I have. See the signs and rejoice!

"...there are teachers everywhere...the day is full of gifts...look, listen, feel..."

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. Thank you for being you, for trusting, seeing and most of all sharing your spirituality, the incredible way you see the world through the simple everyday occurences around you. You have touched my heart and I am so very blessed to be connected to you. I love you.

