Sunday, March 15, 2009

You Know What To Do...

The Pinwheel Girl says “you know what to do” in Stage 2 of her transformation as she begins to unfold. What do you think she means by this?

When I wrote Stage 2 of The Pinwheel Girl Takes Flight, I was deeply aware of all that I knew, had ever known, was sure of, and yet had forgotten, overlooked, and dismissed. The realization was a both painful and a startling one for me as it was a clear indication I had been stuck for a long period of time in a state of habitually devaluing my knowledge, my "knowing," and my intuition.

The drawings in Stage 2 show an often stunned Pinwheel Girl who can't believe this forgetfulness and lack of clarity. And yet evenso in this stage she encourages you to dig deep enough back into that reservoir of self-knowledge to "point it out" to yourself and others -- to "reveal something" -- and then begin to "move!" with it because afterall, really, "you know what to do" for yourself and others -- deep down inside you know and you always have.

Even after writing The Pinwheel Girl Takes Flight and intensely experiencing all seven of the stages of transformation myself, I still struggle many times heeding my own wisdom and knowledge. I see many women all around me doing the same. We know what to do, but we don't do it. In Stage 2, the Pinwheel Girl encourages you to excavate your self-knowledge, your "knowing" and your intuition that has, for many of us, literally become buried alive amidst the constant clang and clamour of our modern lives.

The Pinwheel Girl whispers the following questions to me all the time, and moreso when I find myself slipping back into the unfolding of Stage 2. I sense that they are familiar ones for most of us:

What do you know what to do that you are not doing right now?
Where does the knowledge of “knowing what to do” come from?
How can you tap into it and hear it so that you “know what to do?”
Why do we so often ignore what we know
"...the answers are this way and that, here and there..."

Stage 2, Unfolding, from The Pinwheel Girl Takes Flight ~ Every Woman's Journey Through Seven Stages of Transformation

1 comment:

  1. Great questions! For me I almost always know what I want to be doing, but certain things that involve risk of rejection manage to get put off until the pain of NOT doing the thing is greater than the risk of some other kind of pain. I am consciously working through that blockage, but it's been a long process. It takes true courage to leap into something fraught with emotional danger and be willing to stumble or fail. Willingness to allow setbacks yet still keep going forward is big for me. I have been easily dissuaded sometimes. Thanks for all your insights, Kendra.
